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Stay connected

Femke de Haan
15 maart 2020

Stay connected

Meaningfull connection



 In these times, where everyone has to adjust their lives, it seems difficult to #StayConnected. Where the most obvious solution lies in digital communication, it is important not to forget the basics, which are so easily forgotten in our daily lives. Use this time to take a step back. And yes, stay connected with your loved ones, but don’t forget to take time for yourself. We would like to share a few things to remember during this period.


Being alone isn't the same as loneliness

As we choose to #StayConnected, we also need to practice being alone a bit more. The goal of staying connected isn’t just to create a new kind of virtual busy-ness. We have time for things we normally don’t have time for; we can be alone, we can be bored, and we can be quiet… those aren’t experiences to avoid. Nor are they the same as loneliness. If you’re able, use this time to connect to yourself; read books, discover your creativity, listen to more music, watch movies, turn on guided meditations, and take more rest.



Preventing loneliness doesn't just mean being more digital

Remember that for most of us our loneliness isn’t because we’re not interacting enough, but rather because our interactions aren’t meaningful enough.In other words, in the days and weeks to come, while we might feel a need to increase our interaction; more importantly will be making our interactions more meaningful. It has less to do with just moving our conversations to digital communication and more to do with being mindful about how we’re really talking with each other. Start now in small ways by making your check-in’s more meaningful. Don’t let your conversations only be about the virus and the latest news, make sure you ask about the people with whom you’re connecting.

- How is this impacting your life?

- What’s the scariest part for you?

- Tell me more about what your days look like now…?

- How are your kids doing? How has this impacted your work?


Staying connected doesn't just mean reaching out more

It’s easy getting caught up in your head, your thoughts, and your worries. In these times, it’s helpful to remain aware of reaching out to your loved ones. What is really important to you? Maintain all your social contacts constantly, or take a step back and connect more to yourself? Do some groceries, put together the home school schedule for the kids, figure out your new work routine, and find a way to react on everything that is getting cancelled. Those aren’t small things. Take a step back, be kind and don’t forget to connect with yourself.

With love, Team CYELL